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Wexford County Council Integra Centros

The Customer

Wexford County Council is the authority responsible for local government in the county and is responsible for a range of services such as housing, roads, transportation, planning and environment.Linda Lacey is the fi nancial accountant Wexford County Council, her current role includes the fi nancial management across the Council activities and statutory requirements, this incorporates the responsibility for the fi nancial management.

The Challenge

The decision to upgrade Integra Centros stemmed from a broader need within the Council to modernise and streamline various business processes. Recognising the evolving landscape of technology and the increasing demands for effi ciency, the Council saw the upgrade as an opportune moment to not only enhance their fi nancial system but also to embrace a modern web-based solution..


Modernised Interface Upgrading to Integra Centros allowed the Council to take advantage of the modernised interface and new features the platform has to offer. The Council have upgraded many versions of Integra previously and it was never as successful as the upgrade to Centros.Professional Project management

Even though they were in the middle of a pandemic they still managed to bring the project to a close and upgraded the system successfully. The Council attribute the success of this to the experienced IBSS Project Manager and the outstanding project team.

Intuitive Navigation

The Council is delighted with the upgrade to Integra Centros, considering it a remarkably robust finance system and a significant improvement over the previous version of Integra. They find this system intuitive and easy to navigate, saving valuable time for their team members.

Drill Down Reporting

Moreover, they appreciate the ability to design and drill down into reports, as well as extract data, which supports their governance process and facilitates faster decision-making. Integra Centros offers a strong platform for flexible reporting and data abstraction. The capacity to incorporate additional requirements through forms and drilldown functionality will help future-proof the system. The Council credits meticulous planning and resource allocation by their project team, tailored to meet the organization’s specific needs, as well as access to an experienced project manager from IBSS, as the keys to delivering a successful project.

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Wexford County Council Integra Centros